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Nov 20, 2023

Aug. 14—100 Years Ago

Aug. 14, 1923

Three members of Company A, the local unit of the First Regiment, Maryland National Guard, qualified as expert riflemen in the shooting matches held at Saunders' Range during the recent encampment, according to information given out Monday evening of the National Guard. Five more members of the same company qualified as sharpshooters, and 15 as marksmen. Sergeant Paul J. Musance made the highest score for the local company, 310. Others qualifying as expert riflemen were Private Goodman G. Wills, 200; Lieut. Lewis V. Kreh, 204.

Fully equipped with soil-testing apparatus and carrying several loads of lime for the distribution to farmers of Maryland, a special train will be operated by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in co-operation with the Maryland Farm Bureau Federation and the University of Maryland during the week of August 20. This will be the latest and most up-to-date means of emphasizing the value of lime to agriculture. The "special" will make a number of stops in each of the counties through which it will pass. The train will stop in Frederick, Md., August 25.

Eberbach, Germany, Aug. 13 — Grover C. Bergdoll, American draft evader, said last night that he had expected to return to the United States with his mother on September 27, but that last Saturday's efforts to kidnap him made him hesitate about doing so. A former American lieutenant, a Russian prince, a French detective and an American chauffeur are charged with the attempted kidnapping. The French detective said that a well-known American organization was financing the attempted kidnapping.

50 Years Ago

Aug. 14, 1973

The flood relief trailer camp erected in the grid area of Ft. Detrick after the ravages of Hurricane Agness is no more. Army officials at the post have confirmed that the controversial camp that evoked the anger of many residents of the Rocky Springs area a year ago has been disbanded.

The Frederick City Planning and Zoning Commission Monday night approved and sent back to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen a new flood plain ordinance involving areas in the western environs of the city adjacent to Rt. 40. According to city planner Lawrence Johnson, the new plan, which consists of the plain from Bowers Road to Waverley Drive, "establishes as best as possible" a flood plain area "with modifications based on places filled in and where there is property."

Amtrak, the quasi governmental organization which runs most of the nation's passenger railroads, is not going to exist much longer, with its elimination expected within the next year, the attorney for the Potomac Passengers Association predicted Monday night. Pierre Dostert, attorney for the PPA, says that instead of Amtrak, a passenger service will be run by the federal government. Dostert says that members of congress are tiring of Amtrak's constant requests for more subsidies to run Amtrak (operations) between different cities.

25 Years Ago

Aug. 14, 1998

Scaling back the number of times recyclables are picked up at area homes could have saved Frederick County more than $2.2 million over the next seven years, county public works officials announced Thursday. But, the Frederick County Commissioners did not make this change so as not to risk a negotiated contract for solid waster disposal with municipalities.

Despite two years of parent effort and approval for a costly long-range plan, student use of the Internet won't be a common occurrence in Frederick County schools. Earlier this year, Frederick County Commissioners provided the first year of funding for a five-year plan designed to boost the computer inventory by 10,000 computers. Officials had hoped the federal "E-rate" program would provide about $700,000 in improvements. That program taxed phone bills and used the money for school and library telecommunications. However, Congress hammered the program and school districts might receive only a fraction of the money originally promised.

(Editor's Note: The News-Post does not have access to archives from 20 years ago for April 16 through December 2003. The "20 Years Ago" summary will return Jan. 1, 2024.)